Saturday, January 26, 2013


Researching curriculum today. There is so much out there it is hard to decide what to use. I think writing is definetly underrated. You communicate everyday through your words. In blogs, emails, texts, letters, etc. I was thinking about going with Total Language Plus for English, Grammer, Writing, Spelling. My Father's World for History, Georgraphy, Science, Art, Music, Bible. Finally, Abeka for math because that has been what we have been doing. I enjoy reading peoples posts and blogs about what curriculum they are using and why. Update: March 16, 2013 I found a Total Language Plus on ebay and bought it, but it was above our level. I am now leaning toward Shurley English. I also like Saxon math, but we will see.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I love the psalms. They comfort me, they lift me up, they speak of my frustrations, they celebrate joy, and they show me peace. Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God. One of my favorites. Today I was reading and came across psalm 62:5 My soul, wait in silence for God only, For my hope is from Him. There is so much in this little verse, but the part that struck me is the "wait in silence." It made me think of when I am praying I have a hard time listening for the Lord. I pour out my joy, hopes, and needs, but I struggle when needing to listen to the Lord. How do you listen? I get restless and start praising and thanking God. I need to focus on God and "wait in silence."

Thursday, May 3, 2012

We had a great speaker at our last MUMS meeting. Karen Hossink, author of Confessions of an Irritable Mother. She was transparent in her thoughts towards motherhood and the frustrations we face mostly because of our selfishness. She recommended the book Growing Your Faith by Jerry Bridges. In her books she spoke about reaching toward holiness. It just so happens that a friend brought over a book by Jerry Bridges called The Pursuit of Holiness. I have just started it. It seems that God is constantly working on me to be a better mother and I am trying. I have found that the closer I am to the Lord...meaning that I am reading the Bible and meditating on what it says, praying, and just focusing on the Lord that I am a better mother and person. I make a greater effort to put my own wants and needs aside and focus on what God wants me to do, which is to be patient with my children and consistent in discipline. God will provide all that I need, so I do not need to worry about it. God is so good to us. Something that I have struggled with is wanting to make a difference for His kingdom and I know that raising Godly children is my priority and my current focus, but I am selfish and I felt like I wasn't making a difference. As I focus on God and where He wants me: in the home with my children, God has put people in my path that I have been able to share the gospel with. When our focus is where it should be He is able to use us for His glory. How awesome is that!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


What is the purpose of blogging? To state your opinion for a few to read or keep up with what is going on with you and your family. It is not a personal diary or even like writing a letter to a friend. I see it as a platform to try to reach others and convince them of your opinion. To sway others to believe as you believe. What is your purpose of a blog?

Friday, July 30, 2010


The primary's are almost here. Who are you voting for and are you voting in the primary's? What is most important to you when thinking about voting for someone?

Where did summer go?

Summer is almost over? Where did it go? We have spent the last month down at my sister's during the week. Great time visiting, but need to get my house cleaned. Fair week is coming and so is school. So far I only work 1 day a week, but they may open the backpocket section and so it will be two days a week. Elizabeth starts Kindergarten (Homeschool). We will have to get structured and on a strict routine. That will be hard for me, but super beneficial for the girls, so I am excited! Lillian is throwing fits and likes to run from me. Working on that. Any ideas?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back Home

The house is finally finished. We moved back in on Elizabeth's 5th birthday, May 12th. It was 13 months away from home. It is only just now starting to feel like home because we haven't had the chance just to be home. It is beautiful with hardwood floors and lots of character. George is working down state near my sister, so we are with him and spending wonderful time with Angie. The garden is in and looks to be a good garden this year.